Insurance is a way to shift your risks to professionals. Those who know how to assess the likelihood of an event and quickly come to the rescue at the right time.

Ideally, everything is simple - you make a payment (a small% of the cost of what you want to insure), the insurance company pays a refund (up to 100% of the amount, depending on the type of insurance and event). But sometimes insurers are not very friendly. Do you need help to understand the difference in terms of apartment insurance? Do you want to quickly compare the cost of CASCO in different companies? Was there a negative experience of settling a loss and there is no desire to pay money for an unnecessary piece of paper?

Our customers know that the main value of a broker is daily access to the most up-to-date information and the experience of its analysis. We will help you choose the best solution from the offers of the insurance market leaders and the cost of this policy will be equal to or less than when buying a similar one directly from an insurance company.

Our work does not end with the execution of the contract. When a loss occurs, the broker's help lies in the maximum simplification and acceleration of standard loss settlement procedures. It's simple - we translate from Insurance into Human so that our clients get a pleasant experience of interacting with insurers.
8 800 201-74-47
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